The most important part of education is proper training in the science.
Scientific Associate II(Permanent),Bioinformatics
University of Toronto(UT),Canada
Awards can give you a tremendous amount of encouragement to keep getting better
China National Biology Olympiad (Jiangxi, 1995)
China National Chemistry Olympiad (Jiangxi, 1996)
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
Research Institute of McGill University Health Centre, 2010-2012
American Society of Human Genetics(ASHG), 2012
Association of Chinese Geneticists in America (ACGA), 2012
Eli Lilly Canada 2013
Eli Lilly Canada 2014
Eli Lilly Canada 2015
Association of Chinese Geneticists in America (ACGA),2016
As researchers, we need corroboration, and that's what publication does.
Updated Publications list on ,
Research is creating new knowledge.
Bioinformatics in Human Genetics/Genomics: Genetic analysis of human complex diseases; Genome-wide association study(GWAS); Epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS); Copy number variations; Gene expression; High throughput sequencing/next generation sequencing; Personalized medicine; Precision medicine; Big data
Bioinformatics in Proteomic etc.: Protein function and structure prediction; Protein design; Protein folding; Protein-protein interaction; Machine learning methods; Data mining;
Bioinformatics,Journal of Computational Chemistry, Journal of Medical Genetic, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, PLOS ONE,Journal of Computational Biology
Experienced with skills of supercomputing or High performance computing(HPC), statistical genetics, bioinformatics and computational biology; Experienced with handling large scale GWAS datasets and high throughput sequencing data
Skillful in writing programs with ANSI C/C++ and linux shell scripts including Bash/csh, awk, sed etc. Familiar with Python,Perl, Java, FORTRAN, MPICH ,R and TCL;Familiar with MySQL/MongoDB Database; Based on Apache/IIS using HTML, PHP or ASP to develop website.
Laboratory Administrator of computer cluster (Unix/Linux) and network system
Highly developed ability of teamwork with experimental biologists.
Tutoring undergraduate and graduate students in research.
The bioinformatics tool/server built by Quan Li.
Scientific contacts with colleagues from many different groups have been an important part of our lives
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
University Health Network(UHN)
101 College Street
Toronto,Ontario Canada
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